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Meet Jess

Jess Burgess

Meet Jess

Jess graduated from Salem Academy in 2007 and attended the NYU Tisch School of the Arts where she majored in Film & Television. Currently, Jess is a writer, director, and producer, and owns a commercial production company in NYC.

How did you and your family decide that Salem Academy was right for you?

My parents had a rivalry with another family, and they sent their daughter to the Academy, so they sent me to the Academy! I didn’t love the decision when it happened, but I would send my kid to the Academy in a heartbeat, because I learned more in high school than I did in all four years of college!

What’s one thing about Salem Academy that you would like everyone to know?

Everyone should know that the Academy gives students a chance to discover their own voice. I certainly began to find mine while at Salem.

How does the Academy’s STEAM focus prepare students for college and careers?

I’ve always been in love with art, literature, and history; but I will say that the biology and chemistry classes were so good they convinced me, for a couple years, that I would be a bioengineer! Obviously, I stuck with my true passion and went into filmmaking. However, I did use my AP bio chops when interviewing the Nobel Laureate who discovered RNAi for a BBC documentary, and he said I asked excellent questions. Ms. Spencer would be very proud.

What’s your favorite memory of Salem Academy outside the classroom?

My most vivid memory is taking the bus to away games for the soccer team. I loved spending time driving with my friends and playing at other schools.

How did Salem Academy prepare you for college?

Dr. Cahill taught me most of the things I’ve ever needed to know about writing in AP English, and now I’m a writer!

What would be your recommendation to a student who is considering studying at Salem Academy, but can’t decide if she wants to attend?

I would suggest thinking about the long-term advantages to taking high school very seriously. The Academy, more than NYU, prepared me for work in an extremely difficult film industry. Sincerely, I studied harder and pulled longer days in high school more than I did in undergrad. The classes required discipline and quick thinking — you will use those skills in whatever career you pursue or life path you follow.

Is there anything else you want to share about your experience at Salem Academy?

I still have dreams, now at 35 years old, about going back to Salem. Sometimes my homework is late or I’m worried about a test, but mostly I’m just walking around the halls talking to people. It’s an incredibly special place to me, even though I didn’t want to go initially.

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