Lodging Information
There are a number of hotels which will provide lodging for Reunion Weekend. As of October 2024, we are updating the list of hotel & lodging options. When the new list is completed, you can click the link below to access it.
There are a number of hotels which will provide lodging for Reunion Weekend. As of October 2024, we are updating the list of hotel & lodging options. When the new list is completed, you can click the link below to access it.
Do you know a Salem Academy alum who is a dedicated volunteer, has had/has an outstanding career or has achievements in service? If so, please complete the form below. You may nominate yourself.
It’s easy to make a gift online!
Give to the Academy
Call (336) 721- 2607
Have questions about giving? Contact Amy Jones at amy.jones@salem.edu
Please give us a call at (336) 721-2608 and we can answer any questions you have about registration or Reunion. You can also email us at alumnae@salem.edu.
Alums from the Academy and College celebrating their 50th reunion (and those that have already celebrated) are invited to attend a seated-meal courtesy of Salem Academy and College. Hosted by President Summer J. McGee and Head of School, Kris Porazzi Sorrells C’96, golden alums and a guest are invited for drinks and dinner the Saturday evening of Reunion Weekend. You can register by filling out this form.
There is a button below that will link you to our alumnae awards nominations form. Instructions are provided within the form itself.
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