Teacher Quality Partnership Federal Grant Announcement
Dear Salem Community,
It is my pleasure to announce that Winston-Salem State University, Wake Forest University, Salem College and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools (WS/FCS), have been awarded a $4.7 million Teacher Quality Partnership federal grant by the U.S. Department of Education. Winston-Salem Teachers for Equity, Achievement, Community, & Humanity (WS-TEACH) will use an innovative, interinstitutional teacher preparation model that will transform the landscape of teacher education in the region.
Grounded in equity-centered and data-informed teaching practices, WS-TEACH will recruit, prepare and retain 120 highly qualified educators in three areas: special education (K-12), elementary education (K-6) and secondary education (9-12) teachers for WS/FCS over a 5-year grant period. WS-TEACH residents will receive a 12-month living stipend of $30,000 as they complete Master’s-level coursework and two clinical internships in high-need WS/FCS schools. After graduating, WS-TEACH residents will teach for at least three years in a high-need WS/FCS school while receiving professional development and support through a collaborative coaching model.
Winston-Salem State University will serve as the grant’s fiscal agent. Co-Principal Investigators include Anthony Graham, Ph.D. (Winston-Salem State University), Cynthia Williams Brown, Ph.D. (Winston-Salem State University), Alan Brown, Ph.D. (Wake Forest University), Sheryl Long, Ph.D. (Salem College), Jesse Pratt, Ed.D. (WS/FCS) and Kate Allman, Ph.D. (Wake Forest University).
Recruitment will begin this fall, and eligible candidates must hold an undergraduate degree with an earned GPA of 3.0 or higher and a desire to enter the teaching profession. The first cohort will officially begin in June 2023.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Long and her colleagues on receiving this important award. This is a wonderful example of what cross-institutional collaborations we can create to support the needs of our Winston-Salem community and beyond. I am so excited for Dr. Long and her colleagues to be part of this.
Summer J. McGee, Ph.D.